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Make your voice heard, please send your comments to the City!!

Saratoga City welcomes comments from its citizens on the SRC Expansion Proposal. You can make comments on the proposal in general, and send comments to the various committees and Commissions that will be considering it.

The City recommends that your create a Profile to identify yourself. This makes commenting easier and enables you to track the progress of your comments. However, you can submit your comments individually without creating a Profile. You can create a Profile here.

The proposal will pass through a number of stages, and commenting is welcomed at each stage.The full list of milestones and the latest information on the proposal's progress can be found by scrolling down to the section headed Process and Timeline on the City's web page on the SRC Expansion project.

General comments on the SRC Expansion Proposal

You can make a general comment at any stage. It is particularly important to comment now to the City Council, ahead of its meeting on June 5th 2024 that will consider the expansion proposal. Click here for the City Council Comment Form.

You can log in with your Profile, if you have created one, as part of your comment submission.

Environmental Impact Report

The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is a key document that was considered by the Planning Commission. A comprehensive and wide ranging environmental impact review of the proposal was carried out by an external consultant. There were several opportunities to comment.

The first opportunity to comment was during the Preparation Scoping Period, which was set for November 22nd to December 22nd. The Preparation Scoping Period is held at the start of the EIR review process. All the key environmental aspects to be considered were identified during this period. There was a Public Scoping Meeting on December 9, at which numerous concerns with the PRS proposal were raised. Thank you to all who commented during the meeting. Here is a video recording of the meeting:

A group of 18 residents plus external contributions  submitted a Consolidated Response to the Notice of Preparation of the Environmental Impact Report.

At the completion of his work, the consultant submitted a draft EIR to the City. The final EIR was submitted to the Planning Commission, which held a public meeting at which it considered the EIR and decide to recommend the expansion proposal to the City Council.

Community Meeting

The SRC Expansion Proposal was discussed in a Community Meeting on November 16, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Here is a video recording of the meeting:

Heritage Commission

You might like to reference the Heritage Resource Inventory List, (page 3 of 11) which lists the Odd Fellows Home (the building we refer to as the Manor) as a building in the Mission Revival Style contributing to the heritage of Saratoga. This precious resource and its external setting should not be compromised by any development on the SRC campus.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is the key committee. Its recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. It is recommending the so-called "Master Plan" for SRC expansion to the City Council.

City Council

The City Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and decide the final disposition of the SRC Expansion Proposal. Click or tap here to submit a comment to the City Council. The date(s) of the City Council meeting(s) have not yet been publicized by the City, but is expected to be on June 5th, 2024.. Please be prepared to attend this/these meeting (s) and to participate with your comments.

Thank you for your support and participation

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Preserve SRC Campus is an informal organization whose members are residents in the Saratoga Retirement Community

This page last updated on May 16th, 2024, 2021. Any problems with this web page? Please email the administrator.
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